Saturday 31 October 2009

These thoughts-From our tousled bed.

These thoughts - from our tousled bed..
where now you lay your slumbrous head and reach for me when loves desires
demand the need to quench those fires...

Those endless nights of sensual love...our limbs entwined -
each tender move has fed our hearts - increased our love..
'til now -
throughout our gentler years, with softer smiles and memories shared..
a different love has grown for us, a love of heart not just of lust..
and we are even more in love than when we had it all to prove.

My heart is full of love for you and what we dreamed for us came true..
we will grow old in love and trust until our bodies turn to dust...

and I believe that love goes on and joined, our souls will merge as one...
I love you so and you love me -
so lets make love - a kiss from me ............


  1. Here in this beautiful poem the passion of love is narrated nicely, and not limiting it to the confines of physical spheres only. I liked this line most: we will grow old in love and trust until our bodies turn to dust...

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